Sunday, June 21, 2009

love life

i love it how i've spent so much time and effort to become prepared. I'm talking mentally, spiritually, emotional prepared for something that I thought was going to happen. Well it didn't happen or hasn't yet but because i was mentally, spiritually, and emotionally prepared i was able to conquer some different events this past week.... In all honesty I KNOW it was because I put so much time and effort in. Yes I might have had a different intention, but an amazing outcome still happened. I just love life!
Something else that I've figured out this weekend, I'M WAYYYYY TOOO INDEPENDENT! Phew... My older sister Danielle is visiting me and we've had a great weekend but i'm ready for some ME time. Ha. Also, sharing a twin bed is NO FUN! Ha.

1 comment:

  1. i love how you always have a positive outlook on things :D
    i dont know the details on what happened, but i am sure all your preparing wasnt in vein :D
    and you will be a better person for all the effort you have put forth, as for sharing a twin bed, lol that is never a fun thing to try...haha <3 ya
